The creators of Amarok say “rediscover your music”… and I did.
I always thought that having playlists and just opening them with any simple player was enough for me, but now I thought I might try to use something more sophisticated. I tried Rhythmbox, it was simple, clean and working but nothing astonishing. On the other hand, I competely fell in love with Amarok.
Although Amarok is a qt application (I strongly prefer gtk and I don’t use any other qt ap, but Amarok is so good that I don’t care), I fell in love at the first sight. It’s a bit slow, but it has many nifty features like grouping/searching by various criteria, album cover preview, complete lyrics and info about author/album (it downloads all that from the internets, very kewl) just one click away. It can also pop up a small window with info about the coming song. The window is transparent and you can choose where it pops up. It will disappear after a short interval (set by you, of course).
And they get bonus points for this message:
One of Mike Oldfield’s best pieces of work, Amarok, inspired the name behind the audio-player you are currently using.
Go ahead and rediscover your music too!
2 thoughts on “Amarok”
Keo 2007-02-06
Zkoušel jsi Banshee? Je to GTK aplikace a podle popisu to bude asi něco podobnýho. Já to běžně používám. Jenom mi trochu vadí, že když přepnu z nějakýho playlistu na seznam všech skladeb v databázi, tak to trvá dost dlouho, cca 20 sekund. Ale je pravda, že moc často to nedělám. Jinak to asi umí to stejný.
Minimalizuje se to do systémové oblasti. Vždycky když se začne přehrávat nová skladba, tak se u té ikony objeví bublina s názvem, albem a tak. Když na tu ikonu najedeš myší, tak něco podobného. Jde v tom vyhledávat, stahuje to z netu obrázky přebalů. Jsou do toho i nějaký pluginy, ale ty nepoužívám.
ouigkmy 2007-02-20
Yeah, Amarok is great. And in 1.5 they have finally removed the limit on the size of the cover preview !!! Works slow if you set it really large though…
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