Brief history of tasuki at KGS


KGS was founded in 2000 by William Shubert.

The first Czech on KGS was probably makov (registered on 3.9.2000).

I registered on 2.12.2001, I’m not sure how I got to know KGS, but I think I was told by makov.

I have no idea when I founded “Český pokoj” (the Czech room). It was probably later than in 2001 and definitely earlier than 2004. But all else remains unknown… I am not even sure who were the first people in it. If anyone knows the details, tell me! :)
I became owner of the rengo room around the end of 2003
The next big thing was summer 2004 – Czech version of CGoban (translated by me). That’s also how I became an admin (actually there was one more reason for me to became an admin – several of my friends were already admins).

I spend a great deal of time chatting and idling on KGS, I have many friends there (most of whom I’ve met in real life), but also many that I only know online.

This must have been a boring post for you (at least it was rather short), but it was very enjoyable for me. ^^

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One thought on “Brief history of tasuki at KGS”

lobo 2007-04-11

quite the opposite, it was very interesting :) you could also write a little about how you started playing go ^_^

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