Dapper Drake
Hello from Dapper Drake!
I’ve been patiently waiting for the final release not to get myself into trouble (I never installed release candidate I think), well, the upgrade wasn’t as smooth as I expected, but still went kinda ok. Let me sum up the result:
- Wine doesn’t take more and more memory when running Pokerstars (which means I will not have to restart it every while).
- New ubuntu “human” theme rocks! (unlike the previous ones)
- Firefox 1.5, and generally updated versions of apps.
Now for negatives:
- The upgrade was an ordeal (as usually), I was up till 3am to get it at least a bit working.
- Gentium font has a very weird ‘u’ that is much taller than it should be (you’d say it is not that important but it’s totally annoying). Had to switch to verdana (any better tips for a font to use in apps ?).
- Nvidia drivers (for 3d graphics) got deinstalled and I will have to install them again.
- A lot of problems with Java (no java plugin in firefox (I know it only takes one link, but I can’t remember anymore where it was), CGoban won’t run (java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit))
- Wavemon doesn’t run (fatal error: could not get range information), also my wifi connection is very crappy for no apparent reason, maybe it has something to do with it…
And I always think “this time thay have to get the upgrade right”. No. Never.
Hello from Dapper Drake…
10 thoughts on “Dapper Drake”
Keo 2006-06-02
Používal jsem Dapper Drake od Flight 6 a neměl jsem snad žádný problémy. S upgradem určitě ne, ale je fakt, že třeba nemám grafárnu, která potřebuje binární ovladače. Víš, že teď už je v repozitáři Java od Sunu?
tasuki 2006-06-02
jj, tu mam, no ale problem byl v tom, ze ten link z /usr/bin smeroval k nejake jine binarce takze kdovi co se zkouselo spoustet :-) uz jsem i prisel na to, odkud linknout ten plugin do firefoxu nvidia ovladace v pohode, posledni co zbyva je ten wavemon…
Marc 2006-06-02
I upgraded to Dapper and was pleasantly surprised to find that my system is much more responsive than with Breezy. Firefox seems especially snappier. I really like the new GNOME deskbar applet too.
tasuki 2006-06-02
Marc: yeah, good point, it seems real fast. :)
As a side note, all my problems except wavemon not running are solved (and it even wasn’t that difficult).
Keo 2006-06-02
I guess English fits here more then Czech… I really enjoy the new look except the Ubuntu icon. I don’t like the colors. I found the old one much nicer. And one more thing really drives me crazy. When I try to minimize the Beep player, the playlist stays on top and the main window disappear. After I close the playlist, the main window shows again and from that point on everything is all right. The newly open playlist behaves correctly. However, doing all this everytime I fire up BP is very annoying.
tasuki 2006-06-03
Beep Media Player indeed behaves like that in Dapper. I wonder why there are no complaints about this over at ubuntuforums.org…
A few more things concerning Dapper: it doesn’t shut my computer down, I have to do that by pushing the button, gaim crashed once (the new versions didn’t use to crash…), and sound mixer seems not to work (I noticed that just now, don’t even know whether I run alsa, oss or whatever…).
But the whole system is so fast, it’s just wonderful.
tasuki 2006-06-04
Oh, and… I completely forgot – the new metacity rulez:
Ondra 2006-06-04
I’ll add my impression too. Actually it’s quite a long-term impression because I have used Dapper since the third alpha version. I have the same opinion about the design and speed up and I had also recognised the same problem with BMP like Keo, but since the time Totem was stable enought I’ve got used to use it (Totem). My biggest problem was that the sound often got stucked and ended in an infinite loop. I suppose it’s caused by an error in gstreamer. After the stable version got out I backed up some .config files and installed from scratch (I’m always looking forward to taste the new installer and it’s also good opportunity to reorganisation partitions). Anyway the problems with the sound didn’t stop. Maybe I’ll buy a new sound card.
And… Unfortunatelly I have forgotten how to install the 3D acceleration for my Radeon 7200 (I can remeber I had spent a couple of days to make it working) and it is not on the Internet. How will I get along without Cube?
Keo 2006-06-05
> How will I get along without Cube?
Good point. I don’t know why, but Cube is now much slower on my machine since the last time I played it. (Well, it has been so long that I can’t even remember whether I played it on Ubuntu or XP, but I doubt it would have such great effect).
I had some similar problems with sound on Breezy. Or was it Hoary? My memory really sucks. Anyway, my soundcard works properly only with the ESD driver, not with Alsa or OSS. Maybe your setting was changed during the upgrade.
tasuki 2006-06-06
Cube is running smoothly here (nvidia).
Concerning the sound… still no idea, but I didn’t spend much time trying to solve the problem…
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