Help with Windows
Some people think that I “understand computers”, which in their mind somehow implies that I will be able to solve their Micro$hit Windoze (tm) problems (tm). They know that I use linux and that I hate Windows (tm), but that doesn’t stop them from asking me various questions about how to solve their various Windows problems (ranging from networking problems (I only know that ifconfig is called ipconfig in windows and that’s about it), through undeleting their deleted files, to questions about obscure things concerning Word and Excel).
It is completely beyond me why they think I will be able to help them (and that I will actually want to :-)). Go and ask Bill Gates, he is responsible for your Windows related problems…
One thought on “Help with Windows”
Ondra 2006-03-24
To je náhoda :) Zrovna před chvílí za mnou přišlo jedno děvče s Macem s MacOS v jejím nesrozumitelném jazyce, že potřebuje nainstalovat Skype a že moc neví, jaxe na tom Macu vlastně instaluje, taky jsem měl docela problém… Nakonec se mi to podařilo bez konzole :). Protože měla Mac, bylo to docela zábavné…
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