Native speakers' spelling


Why oh why do native speakers suck at spelling so much?

English people are notorious for making the most basic mistakes. Your/you’re and their/they’re/there win shared first place for the most annoying and stupid misspelling. It twists the meaning and shows that whoever wrote that can’t even grasp the absolute basics. Also, if your keyboard features the apostrophe, please differentiate between its and it’s.

Another pearl is when people use “of” instead of “have”. Not in “I of a dog” (surprisingly, no one writes that), but much more in “could of” or “would of” (makes me feel like poking my eyes out).

Except/accept, where/were, loose/lose (if you ever “loose a game”, something is seriously wrong with you), principal/principle, quiet/quite… wtf…?

Sadly, English speakers are not alone. I’ve just seen someone repeatedly saying “żucił” (instead of the correct “rzucił”) in certain Polish chatroom. Luckily, I knew the correct spelling and readily corrected that horrendous mistake. But what if I hadn’t known…?

Sincerely, I don’t care about your spelling. What I do care about is my own spelling. And I learn to spell from – you guessed it – native speakers. So, when they fail, I do, too.

After you of read this post, I think your definately not going to make those grammer misteaks again.

PS: Having written that, I expect to make a very serious Czech spelling mistake during the next 24 hours… Karma is a bitch. :-/

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2 thoughts on “Native speakers' spelling”

ignus 2008-02-08

People make a lot of grammar mistakes.. So what else is new? Daily usage of any language is basically marred with gaffes, not to mention on the internet…

A favourite of mine on KGS is “missclick”… Almost every Polish person spells it like this… There should be one s: misclick.

Mixing up “rz” and “ż” is extremely common in Polish, due to phonetic similarity

tasuki 2008-02-09

Oh crap… I think I’m guilty of using “missclick” too. :-x

Googling both “missclick” and “misclick” gives no satisfying answer, so I think it’s not even a proper word anyway. Still, the mis- prefix is definitely written with one “s” only… so if the word “misclick” existed, your spelling would be the correct way :-P

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