Old people
Old people like history. Virtually all of them. Even people who were more interested in technology all their life begin to read books about history and talk about history as they are getting old.
Is it because they no longer care about future? Or is it because old people like sure things and are hesitant to even slightly risk and history makes them feel somehow more comfortable in this way? I really don’t know.
Old people are also generally obsessed with knowledge and don’t really care about cleverness. That makes me feel a bit uneasy as I don’t want to be like that when I get old. Knowledge is always easy to find on the net (and useless to have in your head when you are by the comp connected to the net :-)), however, cleverness is something you have to develop actively by pursuing difficult mental tasks (something old people seem to appreciate much less than knowing when some nobel prize winner was born).
And old people are usually unable to learn anything, which is very sad but rather understandable (but I know some old people who aren’t like that, so I guess that if one tries hard…). But I still can’t understand why my grandma isn’t able to do almost any task with her mobile phone, I tried to explain her hundred times that the two keys just next to display have the function that is currently pictured on the display just above them, but she isn’t able to see the connection (although for anyone younger than 40 this is pretty intuitive even without explaining). She always asks me which button she has to press when she wants to delete the text message – and when I say that I don’t know, that I always have to read the question and see answers on the display (at this point I always repeat that the answers are matching keys just below them), she always seems very surprised. This really drives me mad after calmly explaining it many times.
Guess I should read what I write before posting it, and generally pay more attention to quality than quantity, but I don’t feel like doing it, sorry. (after all it is my blog and I write it because I want to, and you read it voluntarily (I hope) so you can’t really complain ;-))
3 thoughts on “Old people”
lucíja 2006-02-21
nene, piš ještě delší ;)
Ondra 2006-02-22
To byla pěkná úvaha :).
Drc 2006-02-23
Jen počkej až ti bude tak 60…
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