Today it returned, after more than half a year without problems. I noticed several symptoms and it freaked me like hell.
For those of you who do not know, RSI is Repetitive Strain Injury, it is usually caused by sitting by the comp 15 hours a day ;-).
I first learnt about it a year ago or so, and in the beginning of the summer I noticed that I have several of symptoms (mostly uneasy feeling in fingers, but sometimes also in arms). Luckily we went to Corsica then and all got okay. Then I almost forgot and only remembered today. My mistake (apart from sitting by the comp all the time) was that I didn’t keep my fingers warm which is not good for ankles. Well, some hot water and ten minutes rest and all seems okay, but I am still freaked and I am afraid to take mouse in my hand (as that is much worse than keyboard because it fixes the hand in single position).
Well, my point: when you feel tired from the computer, have a rest at least for a while. It helps to have breaks regularly (but not once in five hours as I do ;-)). Well, enough of writing, that only makes it worse. :-)
2 thoughts on “RSI”
lucíja 2006-02-02
no radši si dávej pozor, protože už přecejen nejsi nejmladší ;). někdy se taky trochu proběhni po parku :).
Keo 2006-02-03
To znám. Nedávno mě docela bolelo pravý zápěstí od myši. Chvíli jsem ovládal myš na střídačku levou a pravou, cca po hodině. Docela to pomohlo, ale nakonec se jako nejlepší ukázalo používat myš co nejmíň. Při psaní na klávesnici problém nemám.
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