Second at tournament in Blansko
Finally a good result on a go tournament after very long time :)
It started with tough game against Pavel Sklenak, who played great endgame and I barely survived by 1.5 points. Second game was a huge uncontrollable fight and my opponent resigned because he didn’t see one variation which led to very playable result for him. In the third round I ran into Ondrej ‘AGASSI’ Silt, that was fast and clear, it is enough to only make a relatively small mistake and you are out of game (and I made more than one small mistake ;-)).
Fourth game, sunday morning, I made some slips and my opponent was suddenly chasing my group while making loads of points in the center. Then I had to play rather risky but in the end I entered his center territory from three sides. Last round brought me Jan Hora, strongest 5dan, Czech player #2. The game started rather well for him, but not that bad for me. Just as he entered byoyomi he made a very violent fight, and as I had 25 minutes remaining I was at a huge advantage (theoretically, that is ;-)). During the fight we both had several half dead half alive groups that were chasing each other, it ended in a ko and as he didn’t have much time he made a stupid threat which enabled me to win the ko and gain comfortable lead. The grand finale was when part of my group got cut of and had to fight through a semeai. Lucky me – won by one liberty. :-P
As a side note, my ex-gf’s brand new bf was wearing his shirt half unbuttoned – how über-cool dude he is!
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