You might have seen my crazy ticket folding gallery.
Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. :P
Here are some of the latest, greatest and bestest tickets:
This ticket is currently my favourite, but you’d have to see it as a whole to really appreciate it, seeing from just one direction simply isn’t enough. :)
Another view of the previous one, a bit of a rear view.
The part that you can see in the upper left gave me a lot of headache, and the more I try to do something reasonable with it, the worse it gets (the one thing that you should avoid when folding is making folds which tend to erase each other (ie. as you fold one the other unfolds and vice versa, that is exactly the situation in upper left))
This one has a lot of straight lines, but I still love it, the upper left contains one fold that shouldn’t have been there, but it can’t be really seen from this side :))
A very artificial one, cascading round folds (extremely difficult to do well, I succeeded here, although the pic might be a bit too small to see it properly.
Totally baroque ticket. It’s getting a bit old and I am afraid it will soon fall apart. Again, it has many features that need to be seen (and touched!) irl.
An artificial experiment that turned out very well. There is an annoying straight fold between the cascades which shouldn’t have been there.
The same, a bit less artistical lightning which allows a better view of the actual ticket.
Pure round fold. If you think that those tickets are easy to fold, try this. I made this one exclusively for the photo (I fold most of tickets just for the sake of folding, therefore they are rarely suitable for photos).
This is on the other end of the scale – 100% natural. I found it in the trash one day, crumpled and abandoned. Of course I saved it, removed some folds that needed removing and improved the good ones (and added a few of my own). I very much like it. It’s not very suitable for a photo though.
Round folds, one inside another. Quite photographable.
Wrapped up in itself – prolly needs to be seen irl to appreciate.
This is a rather big ticket (some 10x12cm) from Poland. Recently I added the leftmost fold (the one which can barely be seen), not a good idea, it disrupts the lower fold (as you can see).
Tight round fold, a bit tricky to keep it round, these tend to sharpen.
Am I crazy? Well yes, sure.
PS: Hello WordPress, could you fucking stop touching my html? Many thanks. >:-|
UPDATE: The photos are now clickable (use the middle mouse button in firefox to open in new tab).
8 thoughts on “Ticketmania”
Keo 2007-05-28
Poslední dobou dělám něco podobného s plechovkami od piva. Bohužel nemám dost místa a dostatečně tolerantní okolí na to, abych je mohl skladovat. :D
Ondra 2007-05-29
Škoda, že ty obrázky nejsou zvětšovatelný. Taky jsem jednou něco takového dělal s plechovkou (od Coly). Bylo to v letadle do Tuniska. V průběhu druhé hodiny letu už jsem měl dost slušnou osobní zbraň mnohem lepší než nějaký nůž, který bych stejně musel nechat na letišti.
tasuki 2007-05-29
Plechovky od piva jsou trochu malo tvarne, ale treba plastove kelimky, to uz je v pohode :-P
A obrazky uz jsou zvetsovatelne. Listky jsou ted v nadzivotni velikosti, coz zpusobuje, ze vynikne spousta nepresnosti (a na nekterych je videt, jak uz se trhaji). :/
CarlJung 2007-05-30
I didn’t even know you could fold tickets as a hobby.
tasuki 2007-05-30
Well, it’s more of an obsessively compulsive disorder than a hobby… :P
chidori 2007-05-31
I fell in love with those when I discovered them on your homepage, but I guess you know that already :blush: It may be an obsessively compulsive disorder, but one that produces works of art – especially when descended on thin strigs from my ceiling…
we really need to do that collaboration one day – I draw, you fold ^^
Saimon 2007-06-01
Gonz 2007-06-12
Wow, you just found a new olympic discipline! Try to denominate it! :lol: ;)
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