Unnecessary excuses
I am not going to talk about excuses about why you came late, why you didn’t do your homework, why you broke your promise, etc. These excuses are necessary, if you omit to explain why it happened, you will face unpleasant consequences (you will face unpleasant consequences anyway, but you can at least lower them by having a good excuse).
Then there is another type of excuse – an excuse no one is interested in. Why you scored bad on an IQ test: “126 but I got bored and quessed some of the later ones”, followed by: “oh and I had 20 min left at the end”, why you lost a tournament game (talking about go) against someone – I know a person who “has had a flu” everytime he loses against someone weaker.
As you can see, these excuses are unnecessary and they make the author seem like an… well, you choose what it seems like. ^^
Please, no one is interested in these excuses. You might be just lazy and/or not care about the IQ test at all. Fine, in that case you are happy with your suboptimal results. If you weren’t happy with them, you would have tried harder. (If you spotted the logical fallacy, you get one point. If you realised what I wanted to imply, you get ten points)
You might have made a blunder which cost you the game – in that case, feel free to point out that you lost the game by a blunder. But please, omit the unnecessary (and often imaginary) details about what led you to make that blunder. Or how huge advantage you maintained during the whole game (this applies even if you are a pro… being a pro doesn’t mean you can say you were winning by 30 points when in fact it was almost even and the situation was changing all the time… but sure, saying that you were winning big can improve your image and save your face (that is, if the game record is unavailable (ooops))).
And what is worst – I also make those unnecessary excuses that no one is interested in. So, while I usually don’t make any New Year’s resolutions, I will make a September the 16th resolution: no unnecessary excuses!
3 thoughts on “Unnecessary excuses”
126 is not bad IQ test result.
100 is normal result, this is what most people should get. below 100 is bad. above 100 is good. That’s how IQ test’s are designed. The results are supposed to give a Gaussian distribution with 100 in the max point.
CarlJung 2007-09-30
Well, if all your friends get 180 then 126 is bad compared to that. It’s relative to what you compare or expect.
tasuki 2007-10-01
The point here were the excuses, not the actual results… (the guy who came up with the excuses for scoring 126 in this online test scored over 150 in official mensa test, which might be why 126 needed an excuse ^^)
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