Littlegolem dejavu


The Littlegolem’s disk crashed. :(

The owner’s notebook with backups from last week… crashed… :(

So the last backup is from May… sigh…

I have to play some games (that I already won) for one more time, and a lot of games have been lost due to the crash. The positive thing is that they arranged a RAID that should prevent further problems…

Thanks for the good job!

Zen Myszcz


Yesterday I was talking with myszcz (it’s not important what we were actually talking about… or… maybe you don’t even want to know…). He sometimes uses very zen-like sentences, but this was probably the best one:

Myszcz: maybe I’ll go to sleep, and after sleeping my mind will have the answer

But myszcz denied being a zen monk, he even said he didn’t know anything about zen (like I believe him, haha).

Letnia Szkoła Go


I’ve just returned from LSG, saying it was great would be an underestimation. If I have to decide between LSG and EGC I definitely choose LSG.

Przystanek Alaska is great, the lake is great, weather was great, beer was great, parties were great, but most of all – the people were great.
Thanks to everyone – kabu, lapkom, suska, ajka, comboy, sosna, martyna, basia & tomasz mroczek, nexo, hitech, fetkaa, rams, wieczorniczek, dominika (dorota), piotrek, ela, przemas, emtom, lobo, iskierka, yapee, sh, yebi, soui, sad, kamyszyn, radziol, kamyk, seok-bin, tommell, gertzu, quasigoose, azael, myszcz, przemek and everyone else that I can’t remember now because it is too late and I’m tired).

But my most special thanks go to: benerit, juggler, grasiu, vertigo, method, anka, ola, fisz, cichaczem, and last but not least – kotasia (if she hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have even gone there).



I’m going to Polish “Letnia Szkola Go (someone said it meant”Letnia Szkola Gwaltu"…):

11.7. Brno hl.n. 15:42
Ostrava-Svinov 17:33 17:42
Katowice 19:25 20:02
12.7. Szczecinek 4:52 5:27
Miastko 6:07

I wonder whether I’ll manage to get there… :sweatdrop:

Anyways don’t expect to hear from me much… well, there will be internet connection but probably not enough time to write to my blog.

Have a nice holiday season. :laugh:



Computer programs should be user friendly, it should be always easy and intuitive to do what you want.

I like userfriendliness of firefox, various stupid pop-up windows have been replaced by information bars that fit nicely into the application (such as search bar at the bottom when you press / (some people insist on using ctrl+f but any unix user knows that / is the true way to search :P) or the bar at the top informing you about a blocked pop-up window).

However, gnome has become way too “user friendly”. Linus was probably right when he said that gnome developers are interface nazis. In the new gnome, the default is to show the location in nautilus (default gnome file manager) as buttons (for each folder there’s a button). That sucks, it’s much better to have a textbox, as then you can also switch folders by writing it there. Luckily, it’s still possible to change this…

What I find very annoying are the pop-up windows at the lower right informing me that there is not enough disk space (it always announces the disk and the percentage that is free). Gimme a rest… I do know that my disks are almost full and I can use “df” too. I really see no reason for this annoying feature which the developers have probably seen in M$ windoze and thought that gnome users should suffer too.

Anyone knows where to turn it off? :x

As a side note, I am not switching to KDE because it is too bloated and I’m not switching to fluxbox because I am not cool enough (but maybe if I grow up to be cool I will switch to fluxbox one day…).

Another LittleGolem update


I won second division of third league of thirteenth amazon championship. It really sucked hard, there was only one challenging game (with Cristi… I thought I was going to lose already), all others were pure pwnage. :licknose:

I had a look to see who is at the top of amazon rating list and what was my surprise when I saw myself in 16th place (that’s on the first page – yay) with just 1762. Kind of contrasts with my 17th place in twixt with 1947 (and I think I can play twixt helluva lot better than amazons…).

I also managed to luck out the second place in tenth division of fifth league of ninth gomoku championship (with sonnenborn and some magic working to my advantage).

The Monster of Little Golem tournament isn’t exactly going my way. I have horrible positions in all the amazons games (against ~1500 players, whom I should beat easily) and it all seems just too much for me to handle… :(

Warsaw go tournament


On Thursday I went by train to Tesin to meet the Pocsai family with Ondrej Silt. They were two and half hours late due to some complications with finding the right way but we managed to reach Warsaw (and find our accomodation) before midnight. On Friday we’ve done some sightseeing (primarily the Old town) and were the first to come to the playing place.

In the first round I played with Radek and lost by a few points after not really punishing his deep invasion. Second round with Roman Pszonka was a difficult game since I let him make a lot of influence all over the board. However, I managed to reduce rather succesfully and made a super strong group in the middle, then one overplay by him and he had to resign. Third round with Ondrej Silt, I made a good start and captured a few of his stones, but then he made some pretty good invasions and my “influence” turned into a weak group and I got toasted. Fourth round was nasty, I got Wojciech Wieczorek and the game went terribly wrong. He cut my good shape and it worked for him, I almost died. The rest of the game was under his control, and despite me getting a few points here and there I was still 10 points short. I could have let him lose on time though, because his time run out, but I thought it would be unfair because the ing clocks weren’t talking at all (maybe I should have let him lose though, he didn’t show much appreciation for me allowing him to continue (but maybe that’s just my feeling)). Fifth round with Fisz (aka Kamil Chwedyna), he made a lot of influence, I made two dead groups. There was a lot of fighting… to make the long story short, part of his “influence” died in the end. Sixth round with Leszek Soldan started with a fight, which I managed quite well in the beginning but collapsed later when I let him attack me too much.

The tournament was very nicely organized except of one thing – pairing. The pairing was done as bad as possible: in the first round, two strongest players played with each other (which is a very serious mistake) and Tibor Pocsai played with Rita Pocsai (that would be easy to avoid, at least in the first round). Some people were paired up several times (and never down), someone said it was according to sos but I don’t really believe that. ;-) And the last round’s pairing was the worst possible for me (although that was only bad luck, no bad pairing), like the only one that enabled me to fall down to 9th place… which I did, by the way.

BIG thanks to vertigo for the chinese fan he brought me and for organizing the great tournament, to Krzystof Giedrojc for giving me the book “graj jak shodan” (“play like a shodan”) to improve my Polish (juz to jest lepsze? :blush:), to Venca Kijonka for letting me stay at his home when I couldn’t get back home, to Tibor Pocsai for driving me safely, to mama Pocsai for taking care about me as if I was her son, to Ondrej Silt and Rita Pocsai for being such a perfect couple (and to Ondrej for helping me to arrange everything and enlightening me with stories (not only) from Japan), to kotasia and all the others who persuaded me to go to Polish Summer Go School.

Rock, paper, scissors


I just found out that there are tournaments in rock, paper, scissors. Not only that, they have various official organizations and arrange tournaments (there’s also some not small prize money), there are many strategies, some of which I find incredibly funny (please read the descriptions of the gambits carefully, I almost fell of my chair o_O).

There is also a computer rock, paper, scissors championship, which is much more interesting, but I feel waaay too tired now :yawn: so I leave the rest to curious readers (yeah, my readers are actually more lazy than curious, but whatever…)

Hex championship


Yeah baby! :thumbup1:

Well, I didn’t exactly win, and it was only third league, but I am satisfied. I finished second in, which means advancing to second league.

The key game was against Jose Ma Grau Ribas. (in case you still don’t know, in hex each player tries to connect his sides of the board – very simple) I started horribly, it almost couldn’t hve been worse. I was seriously thinking about resigning around moves 12 and 20 :crying:(you can click on the numbers to see the moves). Move nr 22 was just desperate, but it somehow turned out well. Then my opponent made a serious mistake in move 31 (yah, he thought he was being clever :smartass:), then I am happy about my move 32, although it looks stupid, it covers several threats simultaneously. I don’t know when I first realised that I was going to win the game, 32 felt good but it was all unsure back then. I was sure of my win when playing 42. 8) The sequence to 59 is one of the very few totally forced sequences that there were – all leading to safe connection. Had I lost this game, I’d stay in third league, winning enabled me to advance and I also gained some cool rating points (now I have 1800, which is rather neat). Omg this was a long paragraph… I just really wonder whether anyone will actually go through the game… (as I said, rules of hex are easy (and it’s a very cool game)).

One thing worth mentioning is that this championship was “consistent”, eg. if you look at the results, you can see all the wins are above the diagonal and all the losses below it. This is probably rather rare, for example current (yeah, I’m in the first league :-)) is all messed up (it’s partly because of me, as I’ve beaten Klaus ‘TwixT god’ Hussmans (it was a fast game, like most games with Klaus… but this one had different result than most :P) as well as NieWiesz (Polish prodigy) and lost most other games against relatively weaker players (not necessarily weaker than me, but weaker than Klaus).

Geez, I start writing about hex championship, then longishly analyze one hex game and then switch to bragging about beating Klaus… :|



I am afraid my fear is almost chronical by now. It developed during past months. I irrationally fear almost everything. One of my more understandable fears is fear of heights, but then there are many fears so irrational I’d be ashamed to write about them here, let’s just say they are utterly ridiculous.

The thing that is really weird about all this is that I am kind of addicted to fear, I just can’t help but fear when I have the option (I know it sounds weird, but I don’t have to fear when I have something to do, I voluntarily choose it (well, the voluntarity is questionable, but I am kind of obsessed, something like people who are obsessed with hurting themselves (awww, it’s difficult to explain, maybe I should just visit a psychologist/psychiatrist ;-))).

But I guess that I still have time to get rid of that obsession… and if I’m not succesful, I should probably seek professional help.

PS: Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they are NOT out to get you." ;-)