Weird memorial
I was struggling to pedal my bycicle up the hill, when I saw a memorial with rather weird text (yeah, yeah, I promise I will take my camera next time). It stated something like:
“Made for 500th anniversary of burning Jan Hus to death. Truth prevails.”
I guess this is not even a double meaning… seems pretty clear to me. Yet, for some reason, I think it is not what they had in mind… or… could someone elaborate on that?
As a side note, I just found out that wikipedia’s hebrew article about Jan Hus is a featured article, which is imho pretty cool. And seeing whole wikipedia in right-to-left almost made me fall off my chair (I’ve got a new chair, did I brag already? (btw see how I change topic all the time without hesitation and don’t mind a bit? :-))).
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