Poland – the good and the bad
The good:
- Polish people are extremely hospitable and helpful.
- Either there is a very low amount of thieves or I am really lucky.
- Food (cheese, bread, yoghurt, chocolate) in shops is quite a bit cheaper here than in Czechia (though restaurants aren’t cheaper at all).
- Krakow rocks. Especially the shores of Wisła river next to the Wawel castle.
The bad:
- Car drivers drive like assholes. When you’re going by bike, they drive way closer than what I find comfortable (I thought I was used to this from Czechia, but in Poland it’s even a little worse). When you, as a walker, get to a zebra crossing, in Western Europe the drivers will do everything they can to stop and let you pass. In Czechia, they usually let you pass, but not always (not when they’re going fast and don’t want to halt). In Poland, drivers almost never stop at a zebra crossing. You can see them slowing down, so you step into the street thinking “finally a decent driver” and the next thing you know is that you are jumping back onto the pavement as the driver was just slowing down to take a right turn. Similar on red lights – just because there’s red lights shining 50 meters ahead of the passing car doesn’t mean that the driver will let you pass.
- No discounts for lunch menu in restaurants. Eating out is quite expensive compared to cooking yourself.
Yeah, both lists are incomplete. Does it look like I post this just because I haven’t posted anything in April yet?